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New Arrivals at KidRobot.com


October 25, 2002 - (Sponsor Announcement) - Online retailer KidRobot.com has several new urban vinyl figures in stock, including the following:

The KidRobot Retail Store has arrived! At 1512 Haight St., San Francisco you'll find the new home to all things Hong Kong Vinyl. Fully stocked and lit display cases show off amazing works by the giants of the genre - Brothersworker, Toy2R, Eric So, Jason Siu, and of course Mr. Lau. Plus we've got way more cool stuff you won't find anywhere else: designer T-Shirts, R/C Minis, one-of-a-kind Plush Toys and Minidisc Gear.

Check out some pics of the new store here:

To celebrate the opening we're offer **FREE QEE** with your next KidRobot order!

Place an order of $15 or more in merchandise on our web site (http://www.kidrobot.com) by 12 AM on November 7th, 2002. On the bottom of the checkout page, look for the promotional code box. Type in the following secret code word: CIBOYS. Make sure you type the code word in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, and a FREE Kubrick figure will be added to your order. Only one promotion per good for orders of $15 or more placed on our web site before midnight on 11/7/02.


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In Association with Amazon.com Big Bad Toy Store - click for more information

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