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Venom Action Figure Update

venom action figure

October 15, 2002 - Because you demanded it, here's a closer look at the new Venom action figure. RTM will look even closer in a future Spotlight piece in this figure, but here's a few more pics to whet your appetite!

The Series 4 nomenclature is due to internal numbering within Toy Biz. The first assortment was made of older figures and was not promoted as such, while the next two series of 6" Spider-Man figures were:

Wave 2: Magnetic Spidey, Doc Ock, Lizard, Web Splashers SM
Wave 3: Hobgoblin, Water Webs SM, Web Climbing SM, Catapulting SM

The series labelled '4' are the next wave to be released, and we are still checking on actual ship dates. (See the press pictures from earlier this week.) In the meantime, check out the new Venom! He is also shown below with the previous Spider-Man Classics Black Costume Spidey and Venom, for size comparison.

venom action figure

A short run down of his articulation: aside from what is easily visible in the picture, it includes ball jointed shoulders, hinged hands and feet, and the side to side ankle joints.

venom action figure

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