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Wizard Welcomes the New Year with ToyFare 31

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tf31exclusive.jpg - 11317 BytesYou'll find ToyFare #31 gracing newsstands and comic shops today as the gang take an in-depth look at Lara Croft merchandise.

Sneak Peeks include Rob Zombie, Sideshow Toy's third series of Universal Monsters featuring the Invisible Man,Hunchback, and Metaluna Mutant from "This Island Earth". Ten reasons why you should care about Mobile Suit Gundam giant robot toys are given, while a ToyFare retrospective reminisces over giant robots from days gone by.

Also, the ToyFare staff offer great lessons for the collector on how to find the toys you're hunting for, which makes mention of both Raving Toy Maniac and our friends over at Action Figure Times. Plus, the latest toy news including a look at how toys are getting increasingly intelligent with computer-power, and a special report ranking current toy commercials.

Fill it with funny stuff, offer an exclusive Jakks Pacific WWF figure of the Big Show, and close it with a guest column by Art Asylum's Digger about giving toy creators credit, and you've got yourself an issue that will touch the hearts of toy collectors everywhere.

Also be sure to check out the exclusive "Beginners Guide to Making Your Own Toys" insert for tips on painting, sculpting, molds, props, and custom packaging.

[Updated 1-12-2000]

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