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Eric So's "Estate" Vinyl Figures

June 2002 - The everyday street life of Hong Kong is making its way to the U.S. in the form of Eric So's "Estate" Vinyl Figures, and they are available from Diamond Comic Distributors!

"Estate" refers to a communal-style of living prevalent in Hong Kong during the '80s and '90s. Here, people from different walks of life are just trying to get by in an Eastern urban environment. Master sculptor and artist Eric So, one of the founders of the emerging Hong Kong Hip Hop/ Urban Vinyl movement, has captured the many different characters occupying one such fictitious "estate."

Imported from Japan, these 6" vinyl figures feature 8 points of articulation, and are boxed with character-specific accessories. This month, the tenants available are: Drug Addict, Gangster, Gas Delivery Man, Housewife & Son Set, Vegetable Hawker, Waiter "A", Waiter "B", and Waiter "C".

Also available is the main character of the series in the form of the Sam Lee Preview Exclusive Vinyl Figure. Sam is a young man who grew up in the estate and eventually went on to be a star of Hong Kong motion pictures. This Previews Exclusive version, which is also 6" tall and features 8 points of articulation, features a new variant paint scheme.

Scheduled to ship in October 2002, these will be figures that no collector will want to miss!

Fans can find this and other great products based on today's most popular properties at their local comics shop, or by contacting the Comic Shop Locator Service toll free at 1-888-COMICBOOK (1-888-266- 4226) or online at http://csls.diamondcomics.com.

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