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Win HeroClix from Game Trade Magazine

game trade magazine

May 2002 - Do you want a complete set of Marvel HeroClix?

Game Trade Magazine will be giving away a complete set of Marvel HeroClix in its May issue (#27). And all you need to do to win ALL 150 figures is enter the contest.

You can enter the Marvel HeroClix Giveaway contest on-line by going to http://www.gametrademagazine.com and clicking on the HeroClix logo in the top right corner of the screen to enter.

Good Luck!

While you are there remember to check out our monthly quiz. This month's prize is a copy of Wargods of Aegyptus (CDG WG001) generously donated by Crocodile Games. Be sure to check out p. 29 of our current issue (#27) for pictures of the cool figs for this miniatures game, as well as a sample scenario for the game on pg. 14.

Contests will end May 31st!

Do you want to know what hot new products are coming to the Game and Video Industry? Ask your retailer for a copy of Game Trade Magazine each month. It lets you read about games and videos before they hit your retailers shelves. Check us out online at http://www.gametrademagazine.com.

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In Association with Amazon.com Big Bad Toy Store - click for more information

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