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Rocket USA to Produce Futurama Tin Toys

tin_bender.jpg - 6642 Bytesbenderbox.jpg - 13245 BytesFuturama toys are about to become a reality in 2000. There have been rumors swirling about the toy collecting community for the past month or so that Moore Action Collectibles will be producing a Futurama action figure line sometime this year.

While MAC has yet to confirm or deny the rumors, news has reached the RTM offices of official Futurama toys from Rocket USA, including a terrific vintage-styled wind-up Bender tin-toy.

Bender will have walking action, a feature moveable arms and legs, posable eyes and a rotating antenna that will change his mouth's expressions!

Also included will be a Bender Cigar and bottle of Olde Fortran Malt Liquor to hold in his hands!

The picture shown here is of the second Bender prototype. Rocket USA is working hard to make this the coolest toy possible so expect some changes in the final product.

Rocket USA will also be producing a tin windup of cute and cuddly eating machine Nibbler, as well as tin signs and die-cast collectible figurines of the Futurama cast.

For more information check out Rocket USA's website.

[Updated 1-04-2000]

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