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Marilyn Manson: Mechanical Animals

Marilyn Manson

Fans of Marilyn Manson should get ready for the second in a series of Manson action figures, the Marilyn Manson: Mechanical Animals Action Figure, available through Diamond Comic Distributors.

Anyone who has even slightly paid attention to pop culture within the past few years knows the name Marilyn Manson. One of the most prominent figures in the music community, Manson is known for his outrageous image, anti-establishment attitude, and head-pounding music. Now, he can claim another mark in the entertainment industry, with his image being placed on this unique new action figure!

Imported from Japan, this figure, designed by Yasushi Nirasawa and sculpted by Yoshihiro Saito, is taken from the cover of Manson's 1998 album, Mechanical Animals, and is done in true Manson style! It stands 8" tall and features removable skin, exposing the clear green organs underneath. True to the image of the shock-rocker, the brain and heart are removable from the body. The figure also includes an extra head and bonus mini-figure! Scheduled to ship in August 2002, this is one figure that no Manson fan or fan of unique action figure collectibles will want to miss!

Marilyn Manson

Fans can find these and other great products based on today's most popular music properties at their local comics shop, or by contacting the Comic Shop Locator Service toll free at 1-888-COMICBOOK (1-888-266- 4226) or online at http://csls.diamondcomics.com.

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