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Blade Movie Bust

Blade Bust

The Day Walker has arrived! Dynamic Forces first Blade Movie Bust features the detailed likeness of Wesley Snipes as Blade - the baddest Vampire Hunter of them all! Meticulously sculpted by Martin Canale, the premiere Blade Movie Bust from Dynamic Forces captures the hero with his glasses on, sword in hand, glave in the other hand, and body armored to defend himself from the night! Canale has captured the very soul of the character, right down to the tattoos on Blade's neck!

Mounted on the House of Erebus, the mechanism that drained the blood for the vampires to allow Deacon Frost (from the first Blade feature film) to attempt to live forever, and capturing the symbols of the various vampire tribes on its base, this awesome new collectible bust stands 5 1/2" tall and sits 3" wide.

The first Blade film was a huge hit and the sequel this year promises to explode off the screen as well � don�t miss out on this first collectible from the continuing saga of Blade!

MSRP $59.99.

This Limited Edition Bust is limited to ONLY 1,998 in the world - the year that Blade Movie was released!


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