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Earth X: Thor Goddess of Thunder Bust

Earth X: Thor Goddess of Thunder Bust

The Earth X Universe is a place where the heroes we know have evolved over time. A place where creator Alex Ross has unleashed his vision and changed the future of Marvel and its characters. Now, Thor, the Goddess of Thunder, has been unleashed from the pages of Earth X and into your collection as a brand new Dynamic Forces bust.

This bust, which stands seven inches tall to the tip of the wings on Thor's helmet, was designed and directed by Earth X mastermind Alex Ross and sculpted under this direction by Mike Hill. Ross' meticulous attention to detail is conveyed in the craftsmanship of the final product. Also available is a Previews Exclusive Edition, featuring a classic bronze finish, as pictured above and below.

The regular edition bust has a suggested retail price of $45.00 USD, and the Previews-exclusive bronze bust has a suggested price of $69.99 USD.

Earth X: Thor Goddess of Thunder Bust

Earth X: Thor Goddess of Thunder Bust

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