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Balloon Tongue Toys Recalled

zapper toys

WASHINGTON, D.C.- In cooperation with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), eight firms are voluntarily recalling about 835,000 Zapper toys. The following firms distributed these toys: Bonita Marie International Inc., of Manasquan, N.J.; Dillon Importing Co., of Oklahoma City, Okla.; Oriental Trading Co. Inc., of Omaha, Neb.; Play By Play Toys & Novelties Inc., of San Antonio, Texas; Rhode Island Novelty, of Johnston, R.I.; Sherman Specialty Co. Inc., of Merrick, N.Y.; Toy Investment Inc., of Kent, Wash.; and U.S. Toy Co. Inc., of Grandview, Mo. The balloon tongues and the cylinders holding the tongues on these toys can detach, posing a choking and aspiration hazard to young children.

The Promotional Resources Group of Companies Inc., of Topeka, Kan., previously recalled about 105,000 Bug Zapper toys on June 6, 2000. That company received a report of a 3-year-old boy who inhaled a balloon tongue that detached from a Zapper toy into his sinus cavity. He required medical treatment to remove the part from his nose.

The vinyl Zapper toys are about 2- to 3-inches long, and come in 12 different styles: smiley face, globe with glasses, troll, bumble bee, lion, bear, tiger, raspberry face, fish, frog, snake, and lizard. When the toy is squeezed, the balloon tongue attached to its mouth inflates or rolls out. "CHINA" or "MADE IN CHINA" is molded into the toy.

Toy stores, doctor and dentist offices, and carnivals and circuses sold and distributed these toys from October 1998 through March 2001. They were sold for about $1.

Consumers should immediately take these toys away from young children and take them back to where they were purchased for a refund, or throw them away. If consumers have questions, call CPSC at (800) 638- 2772 anytime.

(This recall was listed as part of the CPSC's annual holiday safety alert. Read more at: http://www.cpsc.gov/cpscpub/prerel/prhtml02/02045.html.)

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