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2010 Holiday Qees from Toy2R

Qee and toy2r

December 2010 - Christmas is merely weeks away and Toy2R still has some amazing stocking stuffers available for that good little boy or girl. Blind boxed goodies like the Skelanimal Qees, Mini Jumping Brains, and so many more, are available for immediate order now, our sleigh is ready! Also, the latest in Toy2R's series of holiday releases, the 2010 Holiday Teddy Qee Bear is available now and won't be around for long. So act fast to get this little gift under the tree and prepare yourself for the biggest Qee event ever...

Qee and toy2r

Toy2r is pleased to announce that 2011 will be the 10th Anniversary of Qee. To begin celebrating this incredible milestone, Toy2R has created a rare, very special limited edition holiday Qee for Toy2R VIPs; including retailers and press who have supported the Qee brand for so long, and artists who Toy2R has been fortunate enough to collaborate with using the Qee platform, and many other dear friends of Toy2R.

If you thought celebrating 15 Years of Toy2R was something, wait until 2011 - The Year of the Qee!

Send the gift of Qee this year and have a wonderful holiday season.

From the company putting art in your hands for 15 years,

Qee and toy2r

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