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Level Up! Signing November 13th

LEVEL UP! The Guide To Great Video Game Design

November 2010 - Scott Rogers. Boneyard. You've read his posts on the ToyBuzz forum, you've read his blogs on Action Figure Insider, you've seen his entries in CustomCon events, but did you know that you've been playing his video games?

Scott has a new book which came out in Summer 2010, with advice for video game designers, aspiring video game designers, and people who like to play video games.

And now... he's let us know that he has a book signing event in Los Angeles:

Are you going to be in the LA area on Saturday, November 13th? You are?

Then you should visit the beautiful Santa Monica Promenade's Barnes and Noble and attend the signing of my new book Level Up! The Guide To Great Video Game Design!

It's my very first book signing ever, so I would love to see you there! Don't forget to tell and bring your friends!

And remember, EVERYONE who buys Level Up! (or brings a copy with them) gets a UNIQUE VIDEO GAME DESIGN created by me right before your very eyes!

Once again, that's:

Saturday November 13, 2010 2:00 PM

Barnes and Noble
3rd Street Promenade
1201 3rd Street, Santa Monica, CA 90401

I can't wait to see you there!!

Scott Rogers

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