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Hasbro's Marvel Q&A September 2010

September 2010 - Each month, Hasbro will answer three questions about their Marvel products.

1) Will there be any new Hasbro Marvel product shown at NYCC in October?

Answer: It's now 100% locked down that we will be at NYCC with plenty of new product to show. One other thing is for sure - there will be a brand new X-Force Archangel figure debuting as the new exclusive from Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited!

2) Now that Marvel Legends has been confirmed as going ahead, will we be seeing those previously prototyped figures (wizard poll/2pk poll) in the early waves?

Answer: There were a lot of great choices shown in that fan fave poll. We'd be crazy not to use some of them! So that's a 'yes'... shrouded in mystery.

3) Will the BAF continue or will you provide optional pack-ins like "sidekicks" (re: Impossible Man, Franklin Richards, Power Pack) or is there a chance we can finally see the "Build-a-playset" as the idea of a Danger Room or X/Avengers Mansion facade has been tossed around for YEARS.

Answer: We're not ready to discuss the nitty gritty details just yet, but we can say that the Build-a-Playset concept is very unlikely.

Be sure to check out the previous Q&As as well.

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