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Happiness for Haiti Qee Bear

Happiness for Haiti Qee Bear

"We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have" - Fredrick Koenig

February 2010 - We take for granted the things we have but being without everyday necessities, like water and shelter can be devastating, especially for children. Helping make a better tomorrow for the people of Haiti includes bringing happiness back to the children. Toy2R is collaborating with Artoyz in France and Apex in the US to release this very special edition 2.5" Happiness for Haiti Qee Bear.

Limited to 500 pieces - this Qee can be purchased directly from Toy2R, Artoyz and Toy2R-USA (www.toy2rusa.com)

The proceeds from each sale will go directly to the American Red Cross to help their relief efforts in Haiti. Help bring the back smiles to the children of Haiti with the purchase of this limited edition Qee.

For more information contact:

Toy2R (Hong Kong) - [email protected]
Toy2R USA - [email protected]
Artoyz (France) - [email protected]
The Apex (USA) - [email protected]


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