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LEGOLAND Discovery Center Chicago's Red Carpet Contest

Enter LEGOLAND Discovery Center's Red Carpet Contest: Top Kids' Creations Star at 'Bob the Builder 4-D' LEGO Movie Premiere

Winning Entries Shown on Big Screen; March 1 Deadline

SCHAUMBURG, Ill., Feb. 10, 2009 -- Walk the red carpet with Bob the Builder, be the first to see the new 4-D LEGO movie featuring the popular animated TV star, and watch your own LEGO creation debut on the big screen in the LEGOLAND Discovery Center Red Carpet Contest -- now open to Chicago-area children 12 and under. Entry deadline is March 1.

The LEGOLAND Discovery Center Chicago in Schaumburg is seeking the 10 best original LEGO creations -- either items built with LEGOs or videos between 30 seconds and three minutes in length featuring the child's own LEGO models -- to coincide with the premiere of the 'Bob the Builder 4-D' LEGO movie in the facility's 4-D Cinema in late March.

The 10 winners and five of their closest friends or family members will be invited to a private sneak preview of 'Bob the Builder 4-D' -- complete with 3-D glasses and 4-D special effects that take viewers straight into the film plus a live appearance by the star building contractor himself. Winners will also receive a special LEGOLAND trophy and see their entries in a larger-than-life slideshow presented on the theater screen.

Entries can be emailed to [email protected] no later than March 1 or mailed to LEGOLAND Discovery Center Red Carpet Contest, 601 N. Martingale Rd., Suite 130, Schaumburg, IL 60173, postmarked March 1 or before. The child's name and age, parent/guardian's name, address and phone number must be included.

Entries will be judged by LEGOLAND Discovery Center team based on their creativity and originality. For more information, visit http://www.legolanddiscoverycentre.com/chicago

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