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June 2008: Legend of the BladeHunters


April 2008 - TEMPE, Ariz. - McFarlane Toys announces an all-new exclusive line for fantasy enthusiasts! A dark prophecy. A destiny found. An epic journey to the ends of the earth. This is the story of a gathering of heroes, and their quest to uncover four mystical weapons with powers beyond belief. This is - McFarlane's Fantasy: Legend of the BladeHunters. Let the hunt begin.

Series 1 6-inch scale action figure lineup:

Tyr (Dragon Rider): An infamous criminal whose violent past haunts his every move. Tyr must gather a group of adventurers (some friend, some foe) to journey with him on an epic quest in search of four ancient weapons known as the Runeblades. Includes removable mask.

Basilisk (Lake Demon): Known in folklore as the "Lake Demons of the Baran'osh" these large serpentine beasts haunt the dark waters of the northern territories. It is believed these fast-moving, cold-blooded creatures are attracted to the warmth of the human spirit.

Eternal Dragon (WindGard): If the stories are to be believed, Eternal Dragons live among the clouds, thriving in chaos. Tyr and WindGard have a powerful bond and are fiercely protective of each other.

Ogre (Guard Class): Massive brutes with tempers as short as their attention spans, Ogres live in loose tribal-states made up of many different classes. Marked by hideously deformed faces, Ogres are the watchdogs of the community. Includes removable mask and mace.

King Draako Boxed Set: Long ago, a great dragon empire ruled the world. Led by the noble King Draako, dragonkind brought a glorius age of harmony to the globe. But, in the end, the dark seeds of treachery and greed took root and a horrific civil war lead to the downfall of dragon society.

About McFarlane Toys

Grammy-and Emmy-winning producer/director Todd McFarlane, creator of Spawn and the founder of SPAWN.com, is the force behind McFarlane Toys, one of America's top action figure manufacturers. With an eclectic array of movie, TV and music licensing tie-ins - as well as the officially licensed teams of the NFL, NBA, MLB and NHL, McFarlane Toys has become a leader and redefined the standards within the action figure industry. For complete information on this pop-culture powerhouse, visit SPAWN.com.

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