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Ken's Zodiac Cartel

When we decided on the Zodiac Cartel as a theme for our group project, we divided the 12 members amongst us.  Ken, the workhorse of the group was assigned four of their number:   Taurus, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Gemini.  He had some much fun with his part that he managed to complete all twelve members before the deadline!  So as a special bonus here's we proudly present Ken's Zodiac Cartel

Zodiac Cartel


Aquarius, Virgo and Aries


Libra, Scorpio and Leo


Cancer and Pisces


Aries wielding the Zodiac Key and Taurus with the Starblazer gun

These customs were all made by Ken of Mattman's Custom Figures :  www.mattmansfigures.homestead.com

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