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Justice League Unlimited Watchtower Playsets

The first of cliktoJLU's new display sets are made for the Mattel Justice League line. Their 'modified scale' allows for use of both the 4" figures and Metal collection figures. Also perfectly scaled for Hasbro and DC Direct Animated lines. All displays have light-up features.

Collect all four sets to build your own watchtower and grab a sentry to stand guard in the form of Stripes! Recreate scenes from the Watchtower with your own complete set coming later this year!

Watchtower Teleporter - Fits 5 figures on top of teleporter for easy transport play! Real stairs! Lightup teleporter floors and light tubes!

Watchtower Ops Pit - Fits 4-figures. Keeps stray accessories handy in underside compartment. Lightup underside compartment!

Watchtower Monitor Promenade - Special articulated Mr Terrific figure included! 3 levels for creative play! Lightup spires! Real doors!

Watchtower Stage - Light-up realistic globe! Underside stage can carry several figures! Lightup tubes!

Watchtower Sentry Stripes - New 9-inch sentry figure with sounds!

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