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From the deranged mind of Warren Ellis comes Transmetropolitan, the story of outlaw journalist Spider Jerusalem and his fight for the truth in a dystopian future. Joining Spider is his crusade are his filthy assistants, Channon Yarrow and Yelena Rossini and his two-fisted editor Mitchell Royce. Together they fight to bring down the corrupt president Gary Callahan, better known as The Smiler. The City has no shortage of people willing take body modification to it's most extreme ends. Channon's ex-boyfriend Xiang had himself downloaded into a sentient cloud of nano-machines to become what is known a "foglet." Then there are the Transients, those who have had their DNA merged with that of an alien species.

Spider Jerusalem features a removable cigarette and "live shades" and comes with his two-headed cat, his laptop, his bowel disrupter, and The Chairleg Of Truth.

Channon Yarrow features a removable cigarette and comes with two guns, a sword, and her ex-boyfriend Xiang.

Yelena Rossini features a removable cigarette, jacket, and sunglasses and comes with her laptop, and several cans of beer.

Mitchell Royce features several removable cigarettes and comes with his laptop.

The Smiler comes with two campaign posters.

The Transient two-pack (like most two-packs) does not contain any accessories.

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