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Ghost Rider

Created by Dave Harris ([email protected]).
Web site: www.freewebs.com/customsbydave


Death Ninja: Turning a 6" figure into a 5" figure is easy right? I mean, Ken seems to do it all the time! The Mulder figure made into a 5" Matt Murdock looked great! Pshah! ...Yes well, Death Ninja was a Batman Scarecrow figure, which I had to use to justify purchasing him for his pitchfork. It was kind of hard work getting him into scale, but fortunately, as he's an undead ninja he can look a bit raggedy so my lack of skill doesn't show up too bad. The apron hampers movement of the legs a bit unfortunately. The head is from a Hobgoblin figure, and the sword from a Xena I believe.

Jim Sokolowski: Ski was one I've had hanging around for a while. His head was a Blaze figure, body from Deadpool and gun and holster from a cheap police figure. I'm not sure I'm happy with the result. One arm is bulkier than the other, but I think that's because the Deapool figure has a renoveable left hand. Still it's noticeable and it buggeth me. The body might be too bulky to be Ski. He never wore a uniform quite like this, but I just wanted a little SHIELD task force.

Stacey Dolan: This Stacey is slightly more in scale with the Dan Ketch figure I customised than the last Stacey I made. She was made from a Silver Sable figure with Black Widow hair, gun and holster from some cheap Police figures Domino right hand and Rogue left hand. I'm not too keen on how she turned out, I thinking the painting on my Ski and Stace figures is probably the worst I've done. They both carry the same gun for the sake of uniformity. Again, it's not based on any particular uniform that she's ever worn. I had hoped that my Michael Badilino figure in uniform would be finished in time, but unfortunately not. Sigh. I had such high hopes for this Con. As an addendum, I just couldn't seem to get a decent pic of Stacy. Perhaps someone could help me out with some tips? I had a whole other batch of customs I'd intended to enter into this Con, but due to the poor quality of the pics I've had to leave them for another day.

Pyre: Repainted Dark Phoenix. Meh. Bit dull. A member of Hydra's Department of Occult Armaments. I have her teamamte Innards half finished knocking around. I see DOA as kind of a Nazi version of the BPRD.

Hannibal King: Has been incomplete for a long time due to an issue with his cloak. However, lessons were learned and he's finished. I rather like the end result. His body is a Dormammu, his cloak from a Professor Quirrel, his head a Punisher, his ponytail came from a Bloodstorm, the bats from Morbius figures and the rats from the (Awesome) Spawn alley playset.

Stygian Demon: Just a Havok figure with the head from a Professor Quirrel figure and hands from a Hercules Minotaur. This one's been knocking around for a while and I had to force myself to finish it. I'm under-whelmed by the result.

Ghost Rider: Just thought GR could do with a bit of work. Used the figure which came with the cycle. Sculpted the flames to try and make them more 3D, used the chain from one of the GRs to make a removeable chain, as well as gluing a couple of chains and Chap Mei axe handles together to simulate the magical, erm, growing-ness of the chain. The bike had flames sculpted on, to replace the absurdly stupid looking drawings of flames that it came with. I'm not sure about the result, but hey anything's better than how it looked before. I removed many of the daft glow in the dark details, which looked silly. The Medallion of Power gas cap came from a Blaze bike's headlight. I think my GR and bike look way better now I've got rid of the glow in the dark and neon details.

John Blaze: The Blaze figure I've already shown, it's just a Blaze with the coat from a Gambit figure so he can sit on the bike really. The bike had flames sculpted on, and was repainted that's it really.

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