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The Incredibles

Created by StrangeMark ([email protected]).
Custom City


Mr Incredible:
This is a Mattel Superman from the Batman/Superman two pack, with the cape remove and the sleeves sanded, and some sculpting on the gloves and boots. Unfortunately I didn't get Elastigirl done in time, but look out for her at CustomCity.tk!

Frozone originated as the Batman from that same two pack. I had to remove the belt and fill in the gaping hole it left, as well as cutting away the spikes in the gloves, and reconstructing the neck area after removing the cape. Also sanded away his ears and did some sculpting on the mask.

This is one of the female figures from the Shadowrun Duels line, with some light sanding here and there, and freshly sculpted hair. Took me a while to find the colour scheme that looked right, but I'm happy with how she turned out, knew I wanted purple in there somewhere, which is what led to the idea of her hanging in Gotham, I think she fits in nicely with the likes of Huntress and Spoiler!

Finally, Dash was the first figure I made, from a collection of different bits. His body and legs are the Spidey movie Peter Parker figure...but I replaced the arms as I didn't like the web-shooting pose, so he has arms from the first SMC Spidey, and hands from a BtVS Oz. His head, the only thing I had in a suitable scale/style is Mulder from the X-Files, with his hair sanded and resculpted. I also gave him Scott Evil's CD player for added effect!

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