Raving Toy Maniac
Joshua's Customs
Joshua can be contacted
at [email protected]
After seeing Bruenor's fantastic movie Nightcrawler custom, and also after
being inspired by Doubledealer's comic-styled Nightcrawler, I figured I
would try to capture the best of both worlds. As like the other movie
customs, he has Nightcrawler's hands, feet, tail and head on a Cyclops body.
But, I added painted detail to achieve more of a comic book styled look to
it. Now, on a shelf of Marvel Legends and DC Direct figures, this supposed
'real world' re-imagining of Nightcrawler fits in a little better.
The Shadow
The Shadow has always been one of my favorite movies. Right there next to Rocketeer and Phantom, I think The Shadow is one of the most under-rated comic
book movies out there - but that's just me. Okay, the custom is crafted from
a DC Direct Phantom Stranger. I cut off his cape, added some Kneadatite
(thanks to both Casimir and Iron-Cow for that) for his chest section and some
vinyl to extend his trench coat and I finished it off with a swatch of canvas
for his scarf. After a lot of sanding, priming and painting, the Shadow was
ready to look into the hearts of men... |
The Phantom
The Phantom was rather and easy custom. He began life as a DC Direct Blue
Beetle. I took off his holster and goggles, dremelled away all of his
surface scribe lines and was ready to go. Prime, paint and seal and voila,
instant pulp superhero. |
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