Toy Maniac Presents
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Captain Britain
Combination of Justice Superman, ML series' 1
and 8 Captain America, leather, and epoxy putty
sculpting. Shield is made from blister card plastic.

Stealth Wolverine with epoxy sculpting and fabric/leather
Marvel Legends Bishop, with .25 trinket
dome, leather, fabric, and epoxy putty sculpting.


Ultima Online figure (head/torso/arms) Evil Ash
(legs). Fabric shirt, epoxy putty sculpting, Waverider
Nemo lantern (Kryptonite heart)

Candyman head, Ultimate Doc Ock body, Samurai
Spawn hands, leather coat, Kabuki accessories,
odds and ends, Spike goggles.

Aragorn head, ML 10 Spider-Man body, Chateau set
Neo, leather and fabric cloak and coat.

The Shadow
Movie Doc Ock head (credit to Actorjez for the
idea), ML 10 Professor X (body), Legolas (hands),
epoxy putty/vinyl hat, fabric/leather coat.

Spider-Man Classics Daredevil 2, Theoden boots,
Jackal Assassin hands and armour, leather jacket/armour,
Morpheus sword.

Resin head cast, ML Nick Fury body, ML Bullseye
arms and boots, Reed Richards hands, Super Beaker
jet pack (resculpted with epoxy putty), leather


Boba Fett
Ninja Wolverine (body), Bullseye (hands), odds
and ends, original sculpt (head, chest armour


Doc Savage (from The Rocketeer)
ML Namor (head, shoulders, torso, legs) Movie Doc
Ock (arms) Bullseye (boots). Epoxy putty sculpting
for pants, jacket, boots, and flight helmet. Blister
card goggles, and leather straps, belts, and details.

Darth Vader
ML War Machine (neck, shoulders, arms, chest) SMC
Mysterio (stomach, pelvis, hip joints, upper thighs)
ML Modern Iron Man (lower thighs, knee joints, shins)
X3 Magneto (feet) Mandarin Spawn (hands). Head is
an original sculpt from epoxy putty with vinyl "skirting",
chest armour and samurai-like armour pieces are
from a McFarlane Jackal Assassin. This design is
inspired by the conceptual paintings of the character
done by various artists (including Ralph McQuarrie)
and my own ideas. Fabric and leather make up the
rest of the uniform, as well as a large amount of
body sculpting with epoxy putty. |

ML Franklin Richards with original head, hand and
feet sculpts. The robe is fabric and leather, the
belt accessories are various odds and ends, and
the walking stick is a twig with epoxy putty handle.

Artoo Deetoo and See Threepio
R2 is made from .25 trinket domes, a krazy glue
bottle, Alien Racer legs, and various odds and
ends from the fodder bucket. 3P0 is made from
a Vampire Hunter D female figure with an Ultima
Online figure's hands and feet grafted on. The
head and body have been re-sculpted and altered
with vinyl and epoxy putty.


Nazi Rocket Commando
Designed as an adversary for my Rocketeer, this
character was extrapolated from the animated propaganda
short shown in the film. The base body combines
a ML series 7 Ghost Rider with Namor legs. The body
has been heavily resculpted with epoxy putty and
the coat is leather. The mask is an origianl sculpt,
and the helmet and accessories are from a Plan B
Toys WW II German soldier. The Rocket pack is a
Zip Line Batman accessory with pen parts added for
the boosters and tanks. |

Captain Algren (from The Last Samurai)
X3 Magneto with altered head, leather and vinyl
armour, and resculpted arms and legs.


Samurai Warrior
ML Deathlok body, Deadpool arms, DCD Superman feet,
ML Dr. Doom head. The helmet is from a McFarlane
Jackal Assassin, and the mask is a part from a McFarlane
Lotus figure. The armour is scratch-built from leather,
vinyl, and pin heads (an idea I swiped from Joshua
Izzo). The costume is made from several layers of
different fabrics and leather.
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