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Joe Ledbetter's Toxic Swamp Qees

Joe Ledbetter's Toxic Swamp Qees

June 2007 - Joe Ledbetter's Toxic Swamp Series just got a little bigger. Currently available for preorder are the newest 8" Toxic Swamp Cat Qee figures from TOY2R.

First is Diamond Comic's exclusive 8" Toxic Swamp Cat RED Edition (JUN074604), currently available for preorder through the JUNE issue PREVIEWS (http://previews.diamondcomics.com/public/default.asp?t=2&m=1&c=23&s=309). Limited to only 660 pcs worldwide, the Red Cat joins the last two Toxic Swamp Previews Exclusive Qees: The Yellow Edition 8" Cat and the SOLD OUT 8" Toxic Swamp Dog - Orange Edition. If that weren't enough there's more....

Joe Ledbetter's Toxic Swamp Qees

Currently available for pre-order at www.forbiddenplanet.co.uk is the smooth looking 8" Toxic Swamp Cat - PURPLE Edition. This 8" Toxic Swamp Cat in purple is the latest creation to crawl from the toxic swamp... err... mind of creator Joe Ledbetter. Who knows why he wears the patch. Was it the result of a run in with the toxic swamp? ... or is he a pirate? ... (it's all the rage this year), only the creator himself knows the answer... and he's not telling! Limited run of only 300 pieces worldwide. Preorder now at http://www.forbiddenplanet.co.uk/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=37604

Joe Ledbetter's Toxic Swamp Qees

So if you're a Ledbetter fan, grab these cats before they're history.

Joe Ledbetter's Toxic Swamp Qees

These figures can be found in the new Designer Section of Diamond Comic Distributors monthly catalog Previews. This new section features new designer offerings as well as amazing exclusives each month. For a look at the other offerings this month, check out http://previews.diamondcomics.com/public/default.asp?t=2&m=1&c=23&s=309.

For retailers: E-mails can go to [email protected], and phone inquiries can go to 1-800-452-6642 x215 about this and the thousands of other products solicited each month.

Joe Ledbetter's Toxic Swamp Qees

Joe Ledbetter's Toxic Swamp Qees

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