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Hasbro Marvel/Spider-Man Q&A

June 2007 - Each month, Hasbro will answer five questions about their Marvel and Spider-Man products. Here are the questions and answers for this month:

1. Are there any plans for Marvel or Spider-Man action figures in the 3.75-inch scale?

Answer: It has been considered. We're constantly discussing new concepts & ideas... the bigger question is whether that is something that collectors & fans would like to see. Perhaps ToyMania could Poll collector's on this idea?

2. Will we continue to get themed Marvel Legends lines (like Spider-Man, Fantastic 4), or will it continue to be mixed, or both?

Answer: We are considering various concepts as we go forward into 2008 and 2009, themes always play a fun part.

3. Will there be any more 9-inch figures?

Answer: Do mean the Signature Series? As of now there are no plans for future waves of Signature Series.

4. Will you do a Fan's Choice figure poll for Marvel/Spider-Man like you did for Star Wars?

Answer: Absolutely! We are looking at various possibilities for 2008 and 2009, stay tuned true believers!

5. Will there be any new 6-inch (or Marvel Legend-size) non-movie Spider-Man villains/supporting cast?

Answer: We can neither confirm nor deny, stay tuned fans!

Want more? Head over to Action Figure Insider and the Fwooshnet to check out their five questions and answers.

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