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Final Two FANtastic Exclusive 2007 Exclusive Variant Figures: Mutant Warriors

FANtastic Exclusive 2007 Action Figure


June 2007 - Having sold out of all of the variant exclusives for FANtastic Exclusive 2006 in record time, the Four Horsemen have come up with something even bigger and better for FANtastic Exclusive 2007 (http://www.FANtasticExclusive.com)!

Rising up from the Mutant kingdom to oppose the previously revealed Ramathorr - the Elephant Swordsman and his Anitherian Guardsmen, two ghoulish beasts lumber out of the darkness to do battle!

Decimating anything and anyone in their path, with inhuman, guttural noises they scream out their own names as if they were battle cries! Ggruxx and Ssejjhhorr - the evil Mutant Warriors!

Both Ggruxx and SSejjhhorr will come equipped with dual battle-axes, and faux fur loin-cloths.

FANtastic Exclusive 2007 Action Figure

The gargantuan, green Ggruxx will be available as an extremely limited exclusive item through Toy Rocket (http://www.ToyRocket.com).

FANtastic Exclusive 2007 Action Figure

The repulsive, red SSejjhhorr will be available as an extremely limited exclusive item through Figures.com (http://www.Figures.com).

FANtastic Exclusive 2007 Action Figure

Both of these beasts will also be available as part of the Anitherian Nine set through Store Horsemen (http://www.StoreHorsemen.com) Price and production run to be determined and announced at a later time.

FANtastic Exclusive 2007 Action Figure

Pre-orders for these and all of the individual FANtastic Exclusive 2007 variant figures will begin soon - many immediately after this press release has hit, so run to place your pre-orders NOW!
Prices and production numbers will vary from exclusive to exclusive. Each company decided the price and production number for their own exclusive.

Below is a handy, dandy list of all of the FANtastic Exclusive 2007 figures and where you can go to get information about how to pre-order them:

- Ramathorr - the Elephant Swordsman ($25.00 plus s&h) - San Diego Comic Con & Store Horsemen - http://www.StoreHorsemen.com

- The Hammer of Gholl - Diamond/Previews - http://www.DiamondComics.com

- The Mace of Broggah - October Toys/Toy Break & San Diego Comic Con http://www.OctoberToys.com & http://www.ToyBreak.com

- The Club of Thraugnn - Fwooshnet - http://www.Fwooshnet.com

- The Shield of Draumm - Raving Toy Maniac - http://www.ToyMania.com

- The Gauntlet of Vaskkh - Action Figure Xpress - http://www.ActionFigureXpress.com

- The Helm of Xaamn - Big Bad Toy Store - http://www.BigBadToyStore.com

- Mutant Soldier Ggruxx - Toy Rocket - http://www.ToyRocket.com

- Mutant Soldier Ssejjhhorr - Figures.com - http://www.Figures.com

- The Anitherian Nine Set ($225.00 plus s&h - limited to 100 sets!!) - Available to FANtastic Exclusive message board members ONLY for roughly the first 48 hours. After the first 48 hours, the sets will be made available to the general public - if there are any left! Pre-orders for FANtastic Exclusive 2007 message board members are scheduled to begin sometime early Friday (June 15th) morning. - FANtastic Exclusive 2007/Store Horsemen - http://www.StoreHorsemen.com

FANtastic Exclusive 2007. More emphasis on the FAN than ever before!

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