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Killertoys Killer Holiday Sale

Killer Toys

November 17, 2006 - (Sponsor Announcement) - KillerToys.com is having a sale:

It has begun!! The once a year sale is back at Killertoys from now until December 22nd everything on this page will be offered at prices never before seen at Killertoys or anywhere else on the planet!!! With savings of up 75% off retail prices now is a good time to stock up on some goodies for yourself or pick up some nice holiday gifts for friends. Now for the fine print, prices listed here are good now through December 22nd. All items are subject to availability and items may sell out fast. We will be adding items everyday to this sale so check back often and please remember that no further discounts will apply to any items listed as on sale!!

Enjoy and Happy Holidays

The KT.com Staff.

Click here to check out all of the items on the Killer Holiday Sale: http://store.anime-killertoys.com/kihosa.html


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In Association with Amazon.com Big Bad Toy Store - click for more information

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