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Nacho Libre Talking Toys

CLEARWATER, Fla., June 16, 2006 -- Soon, Jack Black will have yet another feather in his cap. The voice of Black will be heard booming from talking "Nacho Libre" action figures. Black plays the title character in the film of the same name that opens today. Collectible toys featuring Black's voice from the film are being offered at FunTalking.com on a pre-order basis.

The toys -- three in all -- feature many hilarious lines from the film in Nacho's own voice, and will have fans rolling with laughter. Everyone will love hearing these sound clips again and again.

Manufacturer Jay Kamhi said, "It was very important to me to create toys that were worthy of Jack Black's voice. In the key chain, for example, the detail in the face is simply incredible. And when you hear these toys yelling great lines like, 'Nachoooooooooooooo!' in Jack's own voice from the film, you can't help but laugh. These are going to thrill fans of the movie."

These are the first "Nacho Libre" items to be released to the general public. Manufactured by Kamhi World and officially licensed by Paramount, they include a "Nacho Libre" talking pen, a "Nacho Libre" talking key chain, and a "Nacho Libre" talking doll. The designs of the talking key chain and doll are sculpted by artist Paul Brooke, who has sculpted toys of characters from "Napoleon Dynamite," "Star Wars," and "Pirates of the Caribbean."

In the movie, Jack Black plays a friar named Ignacio (Nacho for short) who cooks for orphans at his monastery. When the monks complain about his cooking, he decides to raise money for better ingredients by donning a mask and fighting in the ring as a Luchadore. The film is directed by Jared Hess, who created and directed "Napoleon Dynamite," a huge hit over 2004 and 2005.

Kamhi expects strong demand for both his "Nacho Libre" toys and the film itself. He notes, "As the movie premiere drew closer, and the buzz about this movie grew, the calls started coming in. Retailers were saying, 'Hey, remember that Nacho Libre thing you called me about? We've decided to carry it.'"

About Kamhi World:

Kamhi World takes the hottest characters in movies and television and turns them into the world's coolest talking toys! See more at http://www.funtalking.com.

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