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PEEPS Bunnies Hop Ahead of PEEPS Chicks

peeps Ring Pops
PEEPS Ring Pops

BETHLEHEM, Pa., April 11, 2006 -- The "2006 State of Marshmallow PEEPS® Report" recently issued by candy maker Just Born has some surprising information. After being on top for over 50 years the marshmallow PEEPS® chicks have been moved down a notch to second place. This move makes the PEEPS® Bunnies the most popular marshmallow PEEPS® shape for 2006.

For over a decade, PEEPS® candies have been the number-one non-chocolate Easter candy and this new report reveals that it continues to be a must-have in most American Easter baskets.

Other interesting findings in the report include:

  • 52.4% of the people surveyed like to eat 1 to 5 PEEPS® at a time
  • When surveyed as to whether or not PEEPS® fans considered themselves to be healthy and fit, 82.0% considered themselves healthy.
  • The person identified most in need of PEEPS® was President Bush (19.4%). Next in line were Mayor Ray Nagan (9.1%) and Hillary Clinton (8.5%). Followed closely were Ashley and Mary Kate Olsen (8.1%).
  • The female celebrities most resembling PEEPS® are Oprah and Ellen DeGeneres.
  • The male celebrities most resembling PEEPS® are Drew Carey and Al Roker.

Fans are doing a lot more with their Marshmallow PEEPS®

Just Born, Inc. also knows that fans not only love to eat their PEEPS® but are thrilled to wear them, read about them, nap on them, be shaded by them and carry their keys on them. PEEPS® products are flying off of the shelves and sales are skyrocketing.

New For Easter 2006:

New to the line of PEEPS® licensed products for this Easter include:

  • Novelty confection products including Ring Pops, Pop Slider and candy-filled eggs.
  • Novelty Toys, Arts and Crafts, and Activities products
  • Balloons - large PEEPS® inflatables for indoor use
  • Books for kids - coloring, activity, and board books
  • PEEPS® book highlighting the pop culture phenomenon of the PEEPS®
  • Apparel - T-shirts, hats, visors, loungewear, daywear, socks, and slippers
  • Party goods - plates, napkins, and gift wrap
  • Jewelry - Italian gold charms at http://www.italiangoldcharms.com
  • Cosmetics - lip gloss, lip balm, and cosmetic sets


Just Born, Inc., is a privately owned company founded in 1923 and located in Bethlehem, PA. Just Born also makes MIKE AND IKE® chewy fruit flavored candies, HOT TAMALES® chewy cinnamon flavored candies, ZOURS® chewy sour candies, PEANUT CHEWS® candies, and TEENEE BEANEE® jellybeans. The company employs over 600 associates and markets its candy in over 50 countries. For more information, fans can visit "http://www.marshmallowpeeps.com" or "http://www.justborn.com"

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