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Mega Scale Darkness Now Shipping

Mega Scale Electronic Talking Darkness action figure

March 2006 - SOTA Toys wants to get the word out about the mega scale Electronic Talking Darkness Figure that is just beginning to arrive in stores.

First, Darkness is not articulated at the waist. This figure is so large that it had to be made of more than one piece, which means that there is a joint at the waist. This joint is not articulated and is not meant to be twisted. If you get a Darkness and twist his waist hard enough, you will break it. When Darkness is broken at the waist it is fairly easy to repair with glue, but SOTA wants as many people as possible to know that the waist is NOT articulated. Darkness is articulated at the neck and slightly articulated at the shoulders.

Second, mint packaging basically does not exist for a piece this large and heavy. When you look at your Darkness in person, we think you'll agree that Darkness is one of the greatest figures ever made. But there no way to keep the packaging in mint condition when shipping a product of this size and weight.

We hope that everyone enjoys their Darkness figure. We wanted both of these issues well known, because Darkness is sold out virtually everywhere and replacements from retailers or SOTA will not be available.

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