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Teen Titans Paperweights

November 2005 - Monogram International announces two new Teen Titans paperweights: Slade and Terra.

slade paperweight
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Slade Wilson, after undergoing government experiments, discovers his new abilities and becomes Deathstroke, the Terminator. With heightened strength, agility, stamina and reflexes he's a force to be reckoned with. Slade has the ability to rapidly heal himself... Oh yeah, he's also immortal and is able to return to the grave to regenerate himself. This makes him one tough enemy. Slade is a man who operates under a strict code of ethics, even if it is a bit flawed. Though he believes in using deadly force he remains a mystery. You never know quite what to expect from him... And he would have it no other way.

Slade Paperweight is hand painted and sculpted. His in a menacing fight pose using the included staff.

ITEM # 44336
WEIGHT- 14.2

slade paperweight
click to see larger image


Tara Markov's anger and rage makes her a perfect ally with Slade. At fifteen this bad girl had a reputation for using her powers to do others' dirty work, but only at the right price. Terra has control over the Earth and often flies on a chunk of rock to reach her destination. She can transform the contents of earth at will or even maneuvers rocks to create earthquakes. Terra's one hot young lady who cools down for no one. Seriously, the girl makes lava flow, and can change the shape of solid rock. That's a nifty little power to have as a teenager.

Terra is sculpted on rock with lava coming from it. She is hand painted and sculpted for great detail.

ITEM # 44335
WEIGHT- 11.3

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