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Creature Appreciation Week Contest

Oct. 24, 2005 (Renton, Wash.) � For centuries, man has reported mysterious encounters with creatures of various species such as lake serpents, hairy-hominids, and hybrid-beasts. Yet, despite amazing tales and tantalizing evidence, cryptozoologists (who dedicate their lives to the pursuit of such creatures) have yet to nab Bigfoot (alias: Sasquatch), the Yeti (alias: 'Abominable Snowman') or the Loch Ness Monster (alias: 'Nessie').

The makers of Hasbro, Inc.'s Wizards of the Coast's DUEL MASTERS trading card game hope that a photo contest will encourage the public to come forward with photographic evidence that will help trained cryptozoologists in their efforts to track down these mysterious and sometimes menacing creatures.

DUEL MASTERS will award cash prizes ($5,000 first prize, $2,500 second prize, and three $500 runners-up) for the photos that help to best perpetuate the mystique surrounding these creatures and provide evidence of their existence.

"This contest allows cryptozoologists-in-training to join me in the thrilling pursuit of these legendary creatures," said Loren Coleman, one of the world's leading authorities in cryptozoology. "The collecting of these photo entries will demonstrate to a skeptical public that unknown species and creatures live all around us."

DUEL MASTERS trading card game, which is known for its awesome battling creatures, is sponsoring the photo contest as part of its first-ever Creature Appreciation Week celebration, which runs Oct. 24 to 30, 2005.

The full set of contest rules are currently available at Creature Appreciation Week's official website, which is www.CAW2005.com. The website also provides a Q&A with Loren Coleman and posts the results of an exclusive survey among boys 8 to 12 years old that identifies the most awesome features (fangs, attack abilities, etc.) associated with outrageous creatures.

Additionally, the site includes tips for celebrating Creature Appreciation Week, such as volunteering at the Creature Anti-Defamation League or petitioning legislators to pass laws that don't discriminate against creatures despite their skin texture, mutation, or universe of origin.

"While Hollywood regularly spotlights a few famous creatures like King Kong in movies, most real but still unknown creature species live an anonymous and, most often, unappreciated existence," said Coleman, who has been a cryptozoologist for 45 years and has authored more than 20 books about the field. "Creature Appreciation Week will allow us to honor those unheralded creatures while encouraging the public to learn more about zoology, anthropology and natural history."

Loren Coleman:
Internationally known Cryptozoologist Loren Coleman is widely published and viewed as the authority in the field. Among his over twenty books, recent titles include Tom Slick: True Life Encounters in Cryptozoology, Cryptozoology A to Z, Bigfoot!: The True Story of Apes in America, The Field Guide to Bigfoot, Yeti, and Other Mystery Primates Worldwide, The Field Guide to Lake Monsters, Sea Serpents, and Other Mystery Denizens of the Deep, and Mothman and Other Curious Encounters. He recently founded the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine, where he lives, does research, and writes. Loren Coleman has been involved in the field since March 1960. Visit www.LorenColeman.com for more information.

Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. (NYSE: HAS), is a worldwide leader in the trading card game and tabletop roleplaying game categories, and a leading developer and publisher of game-based entertainment products. For more information, visit the Wizards of the Coast website at www.wizards.com.

DUEL MASTERS is a trademark of Wizards/Shogakukan/Mitsui-Kids.
�2005 Wizards/ Shogakukan/Mitsui-Kids.

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