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Mega Gir, Mini Lightsabers at YouBuyNow.com


October 19, 2005 - (Sponsor Announcement) - News from YouBuyNow.com:

YouBuyNow.com Weekly Update

Another great week at YouBuyNow.com. We were just approved as a retailer for United Cultery and will be carrying their line of superb Lord of the Rings replicas. We also got a lot of new stuff in this week so be sure to read the whole news post so you don't miss out on anything. Take a look at the list below and if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Brian at [email protected]

New Arrivals This Week

  • Batman Kia Asamiya Series 2
    This line of action figures was designed by acclaimed Japanese artist, Kia Asamiya and is manufactured in Japan exclusively for the Japanese market. However, through a special deal between DC Direct and Yamato, we are able to bring you these limited edition figures. You can check them out at http://www.youbuynow.com/category/143

  • Yoda Mini Lightsaber
    From Master Replicas we have the .45 scaled replica of Yoda's lightsaber. We were lucky enough to get a few of the very hard to find Gold edition mini's in our order as well so make sure you check this one out. You can check them out at http://www.youbuynow.com/category/245

  • Luke Skywalker Mini Lightsaber
    From Master Replicas we have the .45 scaled replica of Luke Skywalker's lightsaber. This is an exact replica of the lightsber prop used in Episode IV at a .45 scale. You can check it out at http://www.youbuynow.com/item/1788

  • Darth Vader Episode III & Episode IV Mini Lightsaber
    Master Replica's had only made public the Episode IV Darth Vader Mini Lightsaber until a week or so ago. The Episode III Darth Vader Mini Lightsaber was a surprise for all of us. You can check them out at http://www.youbuynow.com/category/245

  • Minimates Indie Comics
    We have the Minimates Indie Comics box set in-stock. It features 4 popular female characters from some of the most popular indie titles. You can check it out at http://www.youbuynow.com/item/1970

  • Invader Zim Mega Gir
    From Palisades Toys and their popular line of figures based on Invader Zim, we have the 12" Mega Gir figure with removeable doggie disguise. You can check it out at http://www.youbuynow.com/item/mega_gir

  • Kotobukiya Star Wars Sandtrooper Statue
    From Kotobukiya in Japan we have this snap fit Star Wars Sandtrooper vinyl model kit. It features an adjustable head and a detailed base. You can check it out at http://www.youbuynow.com/item/1972

  • Star Wars Clone Wars General Grievous Maquette
    Produced by Gentle Giant we have the Star Wars Clone Wars General Grievous Maquette. This maquette is based on the art of the animated Clone Wars series. You can check it out at http://www.youbuynow.com/item/1977

  • Star Wars Kenner Landspeeder
    We got a shipment in today of the Star Wars Kenner Landspeeder from a few years ago and have it available on our site. You can check it out at http://www.youbuynow.com/item/1980

Don't forget, you can always check the "New Items" page on our site to see the most recent additions.

New Items Available for Pre-Order

  • The One Ring of Sauron LE
    From Master Replicas, we have The One Ring of Sauron Limited Edition replica. It features the sliced off finger of Sauron with the One Ring still around it. You can check it out at http://www.youbuynow.com/item/1969

  • Lord of the Rings United Cutlery Replicas
    As mentioned earlier in this news release we recently signed up as a retailer with United Cutlery and will be carrying there exceptional line of Lord of the Rings Replicas. We currently have the LE Gondorian Shield, LE Museum Collection Sting and Sting available for pre-order but we will be adding more shortly. If there is any one you want in particular that hasn't been added yet please let us know. You can check them out at http://www.youbuynow.com/category/282

Don't forget, you can always check the "Pre-Orders" page on our site to see everything we currently have available to pre-order. That's it for this weeks update, we will have more to announce next week. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.


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