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One Piece CCG Special in November

one piece ccg card

Bandai announces November special on One Piece CCG

October 19, 2005 - Cypress, CA. The One Piece CCG, which launched in September of this year, has seen better than expected results in hobby stores. To support the hobby and to get the game into as many players hands as possible, Bandai is offering a limited time discount on Starters and Booster Displays for the One Piece CCG. During the month of November, the product will be discounted 10% to all authorized Bandai Hobby Distributors.

"We know from our website and retailer feedback that many One Piece fans are looking for the game," says Andrew Lupp, National Sales Manager for Bandai Collectible Games. "With so many licensed CCGs in the market right now, the One Piece CCG might be overlooked."

The One Piece animated series, which went on air on Cartoon Network in late April of this year, has enjoyed high ratings; capturing a high of 4.9 percent of the market share against shows such as Batman, Justice League and Teen Titans. In fact, the One Piece Animated Series has shared the top spot in the ratings with Zatch Bell since its premier.

The gameplay of the One Piece CCG is easy to learn, take little time to play, and pits the main character Luffy and his crew against bands of evil Pirates; all of whom are seen on the animated series. Promo cards have been featured in the One Piece Grand Battle Game for the PS2 as well as several issues of Shonun Jump Magazine.

Retailers are encouraged to take advantaged of the lower price, contact their authorized Bandai Collectible Games distributor, and place the product in their stores for the coming holiday season.

"With the holiday season approaching," Lupp continued. "we want to do everything we can to make it easier for retailers to order, make more money, and capture customers."

For more info on the One Piece CCG, visit: www.bandaicg.com/onepiece/

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