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SW, Transformers at Big Bad Toy Store

Big Bad Toy Store

August 17, 2005 - (Sponsor Announcement) - Online retailer BigBadToyStore.com has several new items of interest to collectors:

ARRIVING SOON - CINEMAQUETTE TX TERMINATRIX: We have a new shipment of the ultra high-end Cinemaquette figures arriving in about a week. All our pre-orders have been filled to date so here is your chance to own one of these awesome pieces without a long wait! This figure is priced at $999.99 and the next 4 pre-orders placed will be shipped out in about a week!


20TH OP TRAILER - More of these very popular add-ons to the 20th Anniversary Prime have just arrived and are now availalbe for $74.99 each.

GALAXY FORCE - The GD-13 Ramble figure has been restocked in all color version - Red, Yellow, and Blue. Also back in stock is the GC-17 Autovolt and the very cool GC-22 Sonic Bomber A-10 Warthog style plane.

CYBERTRON - The brand new Voyager sized Leobreaker and Mudflap have just been listed. These are packed only one each per case and priced at $28.99. The Cybertron All Stars wave 2 are going fast, but we still have a portion of our shipment left at $19.99 per set. Most other Cybertron figures are also still in stock including Prime, Megatron, and Supreme Starscream and All Stars Wave 1

ALTERNATORS & ENERGON: We've received a smaller restock of Energon Mega sized Alpha Quintesson, Sixshot, Overcast, and Wing Saber. More Alternators Decepticharge, Shockblast, Battle Ravage and Wheeljack have arrived.

BINALTECH: The BT-15 Police Integra has been restocked and we also have the Blue BT-15 Street version in stock along with a variety of other Binaltechs.

ROBOTMASTERS: The Skywarp & Thundercracker Robotmasters special set will be arriving in about a week. I received a sample piece today and was very impressed with the set. They have packed it in the exclusive style purple box and both figures are in robot mode looking out the box's window. Here is a link to the picture & Pre-order:

STAR WARS: Unleashed Wave 2 is back in stock for $52.99 - the set includes Darth Vader, Assaj Ventress and Yoda vs. Sidious. More basic figures #1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 41, 42, 43, 44 have arrived. Evolutions Anakin and Evolutions Clone Trooper sets will be arriving in about 5 days!

DC DIRECT: The Batman Secret Files - Rogue's Gallery set of 5 has just arrived. This set features Man-Bat, Black Mask, Killer Croc, Mr. Freeze, and The Penquin - the set of 5 is $59.99

ROBOTECH: The hard to find Masterpiece #3 Roy Fokker is back in stock - we have a fairly small number remaining and Toynami has sold out of them again. They are priced at $69.99 and ready to ship now.

ALIEN: The Dog Alien Mini-Bust is back in stock for $79.99 - this is one of the larger busts Palisades has released so far and its a very attractive and detailed piece.

Be sure to check out the other popular recent arrivals including:

Battlestar Galactica Wave 3

Ep III Red & Green Clone Troopers


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In Association with Amazon.com Big Bad Toy Store - click for more information

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