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Marvel Saga Wolverine & Venom

wolverine and venom marvel saga collection

May 31, 2005 - Tak Li and HyperChild are proud to finally announce the next two characters in their wildly popular Marvel Saga Collection line of limited edition Marvel character statuettes produced exclusively for the Hong Kong market. Following the success of versions of Spider-Man, Iron Man, The Punisher, Mystique and Daredevil comes the latest two releases based on two of the most popular characters in the Marvel Universe - WOLVERINE and VENOM.

WOLVERINE the ferocious member of the X-Men with the adamantium skeleton and razor sharp claws and VENOM the evil alien symbiote that has one mission: to KILL Spider-Man - These two pieces will be the pinnacle of design and sculpting as Hyperchild's designs takes the essence of what makes these characters so powerful and distills them into new dynamic statues that have never been seen before.

Look for the the WOLVERINE MARVEL SAGA ISSUE 7 and VENOM MARVEL SAGA ISSUE 8 on sale in late JUNE 2005.

Also look to see Hyperchild at this year's San Diego Comic-Con International where they will be debuting new products like THE ADVENTURES OF THE GALAXY RANGERS, WORLD'S BEST ROBOTS and many more to be announced in the lead-up to the big show.

Marvel Saga Collection Official Site

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