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X-Files PALz Selling Fast

The Truth Becomes Harder To Find
As Palisades first series of X-Files PALz™ sells out!!

Elkridge, MD (April 7, 2005) - Palisades Toys' second line of PALz - based on cult-favorite television show, The X-Files - recently became available at retail. Now, after just a few days, Palisades is thrilled to announce that every last X-Files PALz in their warehouse has been sold.

"The response in the first week of retail-release has been amazing," notes Palisades President & CEO, Michael Horn, "Within a few days, all of the cases in our inventory were sold. And most of them were re-orders."

The second series of PALz, which is being solicited to retailers now and is slated to be on the shelf this fall, will include an unprecedented 14 new PALz figures. The new PALz assortment will be packaged in blind boxes, and the assortment will be mixed.

For more information, please visit www.PalisadesToys.com.


Palisades Entertainment, LLC ("Palisades Toys") designs, manufactures, and markets a variety of collectable toy products worldwide through sales to retailers and directly to consumers. Palisades Toys believes its products are among the most highly detailed and collectable action figures, PolyStone statues, PolyStone mini busts in the world. Formed in 1994, Palisades' products are sold throughout the world at various retail outlets including Toys "R" Us, KB Toys, Target, Electronics Boutique, Tower Records, Media Play, Sam Goody, Suncoast Video, Amazon.com and a variety of domestic and international comic shops and specialty retailer stores. Palisades Toys' current product portfolio includes The Muppets, Sesame Street, [adult swim], Alien, Predator, Transformers, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Ren & Stimpy, Army of Darkness, Invader Zim, and others. Further information on this and all other Palisades Toys products is available via our company website at: www.PalisadesToys.com.

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