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Alien Space Jockey Micro Statue

Alien Space Jockey Micro Statue

Elkridge, MD (January 28, 2005) - The Alien Space Jockey - what is it? An ancient astronomer? A fossilized Warrior at the helm of an intergalactic cannon? The guard to the mysterious egg farm beneath?

While no one seems to know for sure, the one thing that is certain is that the Space Jockey has captured the imaginations of millions, and is one of the most recognizable images in the Alien Quadrilogy! And now, Alien aficionados can display a miniature Space Jockey in the comfort of their own homes, as Palisades Direct presents its first ever Alien exclusive product - the Alien Space Jockey Micro Statue.

The Alien Space Jockey Micro Statue measures in at 5 inches tall and over 7 inches long, and still captures all of the pride and glory of the original sculpt... just on a smaller scale! This reduced size special edition is perfect for those who want one to display one in a limited space or who missed out on the full-size version. And what's more, with a limited production run of only 2,500 pieces worldwide, this statue is sure to sell out quickly!

There is no limit to how many Space Jockey Micro Statues that may be purchased. For more information, or to purchase an Alien Space Jockey Micro Statue, please visit www.PalisadesDirectStore.com.


Palisades Marketing, LLC ("Palisades Toys") designs, manufactures, and markets a variety of collectable toy products worldwide through sales to retailers and directly to consumers. Palisades Toys believes its products are among the most highly detailed and collectable action figures, PolyStone statues, PolyStone mini busts in the world. Formed in 1994, Palisades' products are sold throughout the world at various retail outlets including Toys "R" Us, KB Toys, Target, Electronics Boutique, Tower Records, Media Play, Sam Goody, Suncoast Video, Amazon.com and a variety of domestic and international comic shops and specialty retailer stores. Palisades Toys' current product portfolio includes The Muppets, Adult Swim, Alien, Predator, Transformers, G.I. Joe, Ren & Stimpy, Army of Darkness, Invader Zim, and others. Further information on this and all other Palisades Toys products is available via our company website at: www.PalisadesToys.com.

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