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Buffy PALz at Action Figure Xpress

Action Figure Xpress

January 20, 2005 - (Sponsor Announcement) - Action Figure Xpress is now taking pre-orders for their upcoming Buffy Halloween PALz set:

Finding new life via syndication, Buffy the Vampire Slayer continues to garner new audiences amongst critics and consumers alike. With that in mind, we are proud to announce our latest exclusive - the Buffy the Vampire Slayer Halloween PALz Set!

The Halloween 4-pack features 4 PALz - Buffy, Xander, Willow, and Cordelia as they appeared in the Season 2 episode Halloween. The episode involves the appearance of Ethan Rayne � an old friend of Giles' � who casts a spell, and makes everyone in Sunnydale actually turn into their Halloween costume. Hence, the transformation of the four characters in the set.

Buffy can be transformed from her street clothes to her costume. To please Angel, Buffy dressed up as an 18th Century Noblewoman... And, she becomes an 18th Century Noblewoman, thus endangering the whole gang because she loses her Slayer powers.

Willow can be transformed from her street clothes to her sexy costume. Willow decides that for Halloween, she wants to make herself look different � and therefore dresses up in a sexy "hoochy" outfit. In the end though, she chickens out and just throws a sheet over herself, and goes as a ghost... And when Ethan's spell takes effect, Willow actually becomes a ghost.

Xander can be transformed from his street clothes to his soldier costume. Xander doesn't have a lot of money, and therefore, he outfits himself in some army fatigues. And of course, he becomes a real soldier under the influence of the spell.

Cordelia can be transformed from her street clothes to her cat costume. Cordy did not buy her costume from the same shop as the others, and therefore, is not under Ethan's spell. So, she never actually becomes a cat... But it's a nifty cotume nonetheless, and makes for a nifty transformation.

And as if that were not enough, the 4-pack comes with an accessory. It is the head of the Janus Statue � in mythology, Janus was a two-faced God � that Ethan Rayne uses to cast the spell...

Four Limited Edition PALz!

Action Figure Xpress

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