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Dec 22: Dynamic Forces on QVCUK

saint nick

December 9, 2004, Runnemede, NJ � Everyone Cheer, because good ol' Saint Nick is here! Join Jolly Nick Barrucci and his happy elf Richard Johnston for an hour of fun and collectibles on QVCUK this December!

Beginning at 8:00 PM GMT December 22, 2004 � just a few short days before the Christmas Holiday � fans and shoppers will have the rare chance to view a selection of Dynamic Forces items on QVCUK (check your local listings for the channel in your area).

DF President will be playing the role of Santa Claus as he packs his bag full of incredible DF goodies, featuring the biggest creators, the biggest comics and the best prices! This show will feature Superman, Batman, Spider-Man, the X-Men, Lord of the Rings and more! Oh, My! It's going to be a holly jolly Christmas! But tune in early, as Nick wants to live up to his namesake, and the show will feature items and packages at the best prices eeeeevvvvvvveeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So tune in early, as most packages will never appear again. Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night! And it will be a good night! HO! HO! HO!

So be and ready to shop on Wednesday, December 22 at 8:00 PM GTM as DF drops off presents to fans on QVCUK!

For more information on Dynamic Forces specialty merchandise, product art, exclusive creator interviews and upcoming releases, please visit the Dynamic Forces website at www.dynamicforces.com.

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