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Sale-A-Bration at KillerToys.com

Killer Toys

November 10, 2004 - (Sponsor Announcement) - KillerToys.com is having a sale:


Whew, Week 1 was insane, the Muppets just flew out the door. This week should prove to be even better, we are offering 10% OFF All Instock Resin Busts, Statues, and Maquettes. This great sale will end at Midnight Tuesday November 16, 2004. Quantities on some items are limited, so please get your orders in early.

Here are the rules of the sale. All IN STOCK Resin Busts, Statues and Maquettes qualify for this sale. You may order as many items as you like, and as many times as you like, as long as you place your orders by November 16, 2004. Please use the coupon code "resin" - any order placed with out this coupon code will not receive the special discount. Remember this applies to new orders only and only on instock items that are found in our Bust/Statues Section. Thanks again and enjoy the start of the KILLERTOYS.COM CUSTOMER SALE-A-BRATION!! HAPPY SHOPPING!!!


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