Toy Vault: New Toys Update
September 2004 - Toy Vault has announced several new products:
"Do as he says or he'll beat you into submission with a herring."
Toy Vault releases the latest spectacular creation from their Monty Python line; Knight of Ni plush. His facemask and outerwear perfectly depict the path guardian from the "Holy Grail" movie. Beige horns and fur poke out from atop his helmet making him an impressive 17 inches tall. His bushy eyebrows and beard add the right touch to this comedic portrayal of the knight. The ridiculous fellow clutches an adorable brilliant blue herring. The fish is as lovable as the knight with his round eyes and fat jaws encasing his gaping mouth. The Knight of Ni's red eyes hold contempt for King Arthur, revealing his desire to beat the pesky king over the head with the little herring.
 "It's a bird, it's a plane... It is a bird! It's Rodan!"
Flying in at an air speed of Mach 1.5, it's the mutated pteranodon from Godzilla movies. The new mini Rodan plush will hit shelves soon. His velvety plush is the original shade of brown except for his claws and eyes which are black. His wings and legs are smooth while his arms and back are fuzzy. His underbelly has several rows of tiny felt spikes for a rigid appearance. Mini Rodan is extra special with is pliable posable body. The plush bends in the arms, wings, legs, and even the tail; this makes positioning possibilities endless. Fans can have him sit, stand, soar or embrace his next victim.
 "She's a whole different kind of cat woman."
A goddess is born from the Egyptian gods toy line. Bast is recognized as a perfume protector, keeper of the sun and moon, and supreme representation of cats. The fiery half-female half-feline is also said to be the daughter of Ra and one of his main avenging deities at that.
Bast is noted for having the body of a woman with a desert-cat head, just as Toy Vault has made her. She stands a whopping one-foot tall adorned in exquisite Egyptian apparel and accessories. She wears a golden skirt with black pin stripes. A belt made of teal and red squares festoons her mid drift. Uniquely designed golden cuffs garnish each wrist and a chest piece and headdress matches the rest of her attire. Her right hand holds a mystical wand as she looks blankly ahead with her hypnotic cat-eyes. Be sure to get her, but be sure you treat her right.
 "Cthulhu the chameleon."
You've seen him in plush as a secret agent man, a pair of slippers, and even as a well-known rock-n-roll legend. This time he's back in the flesh and only in the flesh. The Cthulhu plastic figure stands over four inches tall. His hard body and wing tips are Mediterranean blue while the major parts of his wings are neon green. Blood red eyes glare intently over the spill of his classic appendages. Each figure is carefully shadowed in the crevices with deep grays as if his finishing colors have been airbrushed on to the plastic. Fans can use him as an action figure or just let him hang out.
 "Speaking of hanging around..."
As always, Toy Vault releases yet another toy for the gamer in you. The 20-sided plush hanging die set is a great multi-purpose item. Two die hangs on a red eighteen-inch string. Each one is made of bright red plush with numbers one through twenty neatly embroidered with white thread in segmented triangular patches. The set looks excellent hanging from review mirrors; makes for a fun toy to toss around and can even serve gamers for their d20 games. Although they are made of cushy plush, the die are plenty capable of landing on precision to give easy-to-read counts for players.
If you think these toys are too cool; check out what else Toy Vault has to offer. Nestled in their center of operations in Corbin, Kentucky since 1997, Toy Vault works hard to distribute top toys to their biggest fans. Look them up on the web at