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Plan B Toys: Call of Duty & WWII

Call of Duty action figures

September 2004 - Plan B Toys is please to announce the Call Of Duty line of action figures has just been released. The line of 6 figures is based on the hit PC game Call Of Duty. Each figure stands 6 inches tall and features 20 points of articulation, a customizable web gear system, interchangeable heads, and at least 10 accessories per figure.

Call Of Duty action figures are currently available at the following retailers:

- Big Bad Toy Store

- Killer Toys

- Diamond Comic Distributors

- Marz Distribution

- Plan B Toys online store

Additionally, Plan B Toys has created an exclusive figure for the new game Call Of Duty: Finest Hour. This figure is only available at EB games when you pre-order the game.

Special Forces WWII action figures

Plan B Toys has also made 2 exclusive items for their web store for the Special Forces WWII line of figures. These items are a Waffen SS Sniper figure and a D-Day Accessory Pack. Both of these items are currently available through the Plan B Toys Paypal store.

Special Forces WWII action figures

Special Forces WWII action figures

Special Forces WWII action figures

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In Association with Amazon.com Big Bad Toy Store - click for more information

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