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Personalized Justice League Books

September 14, 2004 -- Kids' Personalized Gifts introduces a brand new personalized book. "Justice League!" The Super-Intelligent Gorilla Grodd has returned in his never-ending quest to conquer the world! DC Comics has released a new version of the Justice League now airing on Nickelodeon. The Justice League characters are being marketed with kids meals by Jack in the Box restaurants.

Kids' Personalized Books is the leading personalized book company authorized to produce and distribute books featuring: Sesame Street, Flintstones™, Batman™, Where's Waldo?™, Superman™, Looney Tunes™, Spider-Man®, X-Men™, and much more.

In addition to this new book, Kids' Personalized Gifts offers more than 100 personalized books and gifts for all ages and nationalities. Imagine the joy of children as they flip through the pages of a colorful book and see their name woven into the storyline. "Kids' Personalized Books" encourages children to read and makes learning fun because they repeatedly uses the child's name and refers to the child's personal friends in all of their books.

Personalized books build children's self-esteem and self-image because they are the stars of the stories. All stories are thoughtfully written to convey positive, wholesome messages. Each book contains the child's name, age, hometown, friends' names and more. Each book is hand-assembled , beautifully, illustrated with a hard bound wipe-off cover.

"Personalized Books, are a lifetime keepsake, you should never see them in a garage sale, It's proven that if a child's name is in the book they are interested in reading about themselves," said Sheréa VéJauan CEO of Realistically Speaking Publishing Company.

Kids' Personalized Gifts are available at Smiley's Books in Carson, 20220 Avalon Boulevard, Suite D. Carson, California Phone (310) 324-8444 or on line at www.kidspersonalizedgifts.com.

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