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Toy-Site and Trendmasters Revamp Their Web Presence

trend_newweb.jpg - 14621 BytesTwo well known toy companies have recently revamped their websites. Trendmasters and Toy-Site have both overhauled their existing sites with new graphics and new features.

Trendmasters has launched an area specifically designed for collectors, including a variety of message boards devoted to various Trendmasters lincenses such as Lost in Space, Godzilla as well as space devoted to collectors news. They have also recently redone their webstore where you can purchase Trendmasters products online, many not available at regular retail such as Shadow Raiders and Godzilla: Doom Island.

toysite_newweb.jpg - 13485 BytesToy-Site, makers of several Nintendo-based toylines such as Zelda, and Donkey Kong, has gone for a more interactive site, using a treasure map as an interface, with a series of Flash games in which users can discover parts of a puzzle that will, when collected and deciphered, lead them to a surprise.

So, while you're out surfing about the web go pay Trendmasters and Toy-Site a visit. And, tell 'em RTM sent you.

[Posted 5/24/2000]

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