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STRANGEco at San Diego Comic-Con

mars-1 action figures

STRANGEco @ The San Diego Comic Con 2004
July 22-25, 2004
Booth #4617

STRANGEco will be in the middle of the Toy Growers CULTYARD at the San Diego Comic Con, showcasing a variety of products from its catalog and introducing a series of new ones. Visit us at Booth #4617!

Exclusives, Debuts and Highlights �

* MARS-1: All three versions (Green, Blue and Special Artist's Edition GRAY) will be available

* Scarygirl: Exclusive solid-color set of Mini Scarygirl figures, featuring the characters Scarygirl, Snow, T-Bear and Jellyfish, limited to 50 sets only. Artist Nathan Jurevicius will be signing at the booth on Saturday, July 24th at 11:30 am!

* The Neo Kaiju Project: STRANGEco and Super7 Magazine will unveil The Neo Kaiju Project, featuring reinterpretations of Japanese monsters by Gary Baseman, Tim Biskup, Seonna Hong, Todd Schorr and Kathy Staico-Schorr. A hatchery display will straddle the companys' neighboring booths, and 100 special glow-in-the-dark Neo Kaiju figures will be given away on Preview night and at 2pm each day of the show! A small number of ultra-rare gold figures will be randomly included in the giveaway, which can be traded in for a full set of glow in the dark Neo Kaiju figures.

All five artists will be at the booths on Saturday, July 24th, at 2 pm for a group signing!

* In Crowd Series 6: The Old Guard and King Ken 2 (Orange Variant) by James Jarvis will get a limited advance release at the STRANGEco booth.

* FriendsWithYou: plush dolls will be available, as will an advance release of the new co-branded Mr. Wizard Micro Plush, based on the Friend's short film for Nike's "Art of Speed" campaign.

* "Your Strange Friends with Photos" giveaway, featuring high quality photographs by McCarty Photoworks, STRANGEco and FriendsWithYou.

Plus, a selection of books, apparel, additional figures and the unveiling of several upcoming projects.

For more information visit http://www.strangeco.com

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