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Click to End Hunger

April 2004 - A recent thread on the Buzz forum (thanks to Vanleavy for posting it!) pointed out an AP article on CNN.com which mentioned the America's Second Harvest "backpack" program in a school district in Missouri. This program is one of many across the US which sends bags of food home with schoolchildren on the weekends.

One happy note in the article was that the Hasbro Children's Foundation has given a grant to America's Second Harvest to help establish more of these backpack programs.

The web site for America's Second Harvest has information about how you can make a donation of food, money, or time, and also has a way for you to make a "free" donation: Capital One will donate $1 to the program for each "click on the plate," up to a maximum of $10,000. Each dollar will provide 15 meals, which translates to 150,000 meals if enough people click. You can make this donation once per day, and they have a chart to track the progress of donations.

If you would prefer to make a "click donation" without providing your email address (as the above link requires), here are a few other options:

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