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Duel Masters Learn to Play Day

RENTON, WASH (March 18, 2004) � On the heels of the DUEL MASTERS™ Trading Card Game U.S. launch, game creator Wizards of the Coast, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc., teams up once again with Toys "R" Us to host a national DUEL MASTERS "Learn to Play Day" on Saturday, March 20 at Toys "R" Us stores nationwide from 9:30 am to 11:00 am and at the Toys "R" Us Times Square flagship store from 10:00 am to Noon.

Already a tsunami-sized hit in Japan�ranking #1 through most of 2003, according to Weekly Toy News - the DUEL MASTERS Trading Card game is rapidly gaining popularity stateside. The Toys "R" Us "Learn to Play Day" will offer structured, supervised game instruction for kids (and their parents), in a fun and encouraging environment. These free clinics will introduce kids to the phenomenon that is DUEL MASTERS - a fantasy world full of colossal creatures who do battle for dominance.

DUEL MASTERS demonstrators will lead kids through an engaging how-to video before initiating actual game-play. Instruction will be adapted for novice, intermediate and advanced players. Kids can build a brand new card deck using store samples or bring their favorite deck from home. All participants will receive an exclusive foil Explosive Fighter Ucarn premium card (while supplies last).

"DUEL MASTERS game-play is fast and intense," explains James Szubski, product manager at Wizards of the Coast. "You can master the basics in just ten minutes and then complete round after round of exhilarating play, exacting your strategy as you go. Whether you're new to the trading card game genre or a long-time fan, the "Learn to Play Day" at Toys "R" Us is a great way to dive into the DUEL MASTERS world."

"More than 650 Toys "R" Us stores nationwide will host a DUEL MASTERS 'Learn to Play Day' on March 20," explains Jill Hall, Buyer for Toys "R" Us. "We're excited to be an entry point for new players. Not only will kids receive useful instruction, they'll have an opportunity to connect with other trading card game enthusiasts in their area." The "Learn to Play Day" is part of GEOFFREY'S FUNDAY, a popular new initiative at Toys "R" Us.

Kids can learn more about the DUEL MASTERS universe by visiting www.duelmasters.com. Fans of the trading card game will want to tune into the Cartoon Network Saturdays at 7:00 p.m. (ET) for the DUEL MASTERS animated series. DUEL MASTERS comic books created by Dreamwave are available now at retail. In June, Atari will release a DUEL MASTERS title for Gameboy; and this fall, Hasbro will launch a line of action figures, board games and puzzles. DUEL MASTERS was jointly developed by Wizards of the Coast and Shogakukan, Inc., and Mitsui & Co., Ltd in Japan.

The DUEL MASTERS Trading Card Game is currently available in a two-player starter game ($9.99 MSRP) and booster packs ($3.49 MSRP).

Wizards of the Coast, Inc., is a worldwide leader in the trading card game and tabletop roleplaying game categories, and a leading developer and publisher of game-based entertainment products. The company holds an exclusive patent on trading card games and their method of play and produces the premier trading card game, Magic: The Gathering�, among many other trading card games and family card and board games. Wizards is also a leading publisher of roleplaying games, such as Dungeons & Dragons�, and publisher of fantasy series fiction with numerous New York Times best-sellers. For more information, visit the Wizards of the Coast website at wizards.com.

DUEL MASTERS is a trademark of Wizards/ Shogakukan/ Mitsui-Kids. �2004 Wizards/ Shogakukan/ Mitsui-Kids/ Sho Pro.

Wizards of the Coast, Magic: The Gathering and Dungeons & Dragons, are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the United States and other countries.

�2004 Wizards.

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