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Black Cougar Action Figure

YONKERS, NY -- 11/19/2003 -- In a demonstration of grass-roots marketing and a groundswell of consumer demand, Black Cougar Productions is pleased to introduce the new children's action figure doll, BLACK COUGAR, based on the heroic character and independent film of the same name.

The film, "Black Cougar," an old-fashioned slice of family entertainment, was released theatrically in the New York area in 2002. During that run, its producers observed a unique audience reaction throughout the film, but which consistently spiked during a key scene. In that scene the film's hero, Black Cougar, while rescuing a group of children held in an enemy's dungeon, is assisted in his mission by a battalion of small Black Cougar dolls. As audiences responded strongly to the movie and that scene in particular, inquiries poured in to producer Black Cougar Productions about the availability of actual Black Cougar action dolls for purchase.

When the movie was released on VHS and DVD, the rate of requests increased even more for a doll that didn't even exist.

"Kids establish a quick bond with Black Cougar because his only goal is to protect children," said Silvio DiSalvatore, president of Black Cougar Productions and the producer of the film. "He gives children a sense of security, so when they see an army of these Black Cougar dolls coming to the rescue, they respond quite strongly, and want to acquire one for themselves."

Since the film's release on home video, requests for a Black Cougar doll have been received from across the United States and Canada, as well as from Europe and Australia.

Now, with the doll finally being produced, fans can purchase it, along with the VHS/DVD of the film, on the official Black Cougar website at www.blackcougar.com.

The dolls measure 12 inches in height, just as in the movie, and sell for a retail price of $19.99.

"It seemed for every home video sold we had to answer the same question over and over," said DiSalvatore. "'When are you going to sell the doll? When?!' Now I don't have to keep telling everyone, 'soon, soon.'"

Black Cougar Productions is a diversified, New York-based motion picture and consumer products company dedicated to producing and distributing independent films for a family audience.

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