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Titan Motorcycle Co. of America To Produce X-Men Bike

titan_cycle.jpg - 9120 BytesTitan Motorcycle Co. of America announced today that it has reached an agreement with Marvel Enterprises, Inc. Under the terms of the agreement, Titan will produce a one-of-a-kind X-Men motorcycle (different from bike shown), which will be featured in the much-anticipated July 14, 2000 release by 20th Century Fox of The X-Men -- based on Marvel Comics' best-selling series for more than 20 years.

As the leading character's motorcycle, the specially commissioned Titan will be featured prominently in the movie, whose star lineup includes Star Trek's Patrick Stewart, Halle Berry (Bulworth), Anna Paquin (The Piano), and Ian McKellen (Gods and Monsters) as Magneto. The custom model will also make cameo appearances in pre-release promotions.

X-men fans can anticipate the production of two separate toys, with both toys and packaging sporting the Titan logo. A collectible diecast replica of the starring Titan motorcycle will be produced as well.

``We are pleased to be associated with this long-anticipated release, which already has such a solid following,'' said Mark Green, director of marketing. ``Marvel Enterprises and its cast of adventure characters are known the world over, and we are especially enthusiastic about the potential for global market exposure,'' he said.

Founded in 1994, Titan Motorcycle Co. of America is a premier designer, manufacturer and distributor of high-end, American-made, V-twin engine motorcycles marketed under various Titan trademarks. Titan's unique, hand-built configurations, including the Gecko, Roadrunner, Sidewinder, and Phoenix represent the finest available in custom- designed, volume-produced, performance motorcycles. Manufactured at the company's corporate headquarters and manufacturing facility, and available with a variety of customized options and designs, Titan large displacement motorcycles are sold through a network of over 80 domestic and international dealers.

[Updated 3/27/2000]

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